Digital Citizenship 1


My Digital Life

Adapted/modified from BCPS SlamDunk 


Standards for the 21st Century Learner
1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g. textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning.
2.1.3 Use strategies to draw conclusions from information and apply knowledge to curricular areas, real-world situations, and further investigations
3.1.6 Use information and technology ethically and responsibly. 
3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and assess.



I can determine the difference between traditional and digital media.

I can identify ways that digital media usage affects my life.



Computer/LCD Projector

1digitalliferevised (6).pptx

Student Directions for the poster Strategy.docx

Student Directions for the Genre Reformulation Strategy.docx

3 big questions strategy.docx


Nonfiction Big Questions You Tube Video

Poster paper/ cut bulletin paper

markers, crayons...



Lesson PowerPoint

1. Ask What is a "digital native"?...explain how I am an "immigrant". (students can read from the slide if they are unsure)

Show Digital Life 101 Animation, as students watch, prompt them by asking whether what appears on the screen is traditional or digital media AND whether it is an example of one or two-way media. 


Have students give examples of traditional media (tv, radio, newspaper) and digital media (blogs, social media, news websites...)


Clarify any misunderstandings about one or two-way media.  


** make sure students understand that digital media is NOT a device rather the INFORMATION (media) you can get from it. 


2. Students will read/watch various resources to learn about digital media and its role in their lives . They will use Notice and Note strategies to collect and synthesize information. 

Students will be given jobs:

Materials Handler- Copy of the text, list of options, poster paper, and markers

Monitor- Make sure everyone is being a respectful listener and responsible participant; keep time

Reader- Read the directions, and sometimes the article.

Note-Taker- Record the group’s response on organizer, poster paper


Create 6-8 stations:  Even though the activity is the same for some groups, the articles do not have to be.  Students will only have time for 1 station/50 minutes. 


Choose articles for students...

Allow students to choose articles/videos

Print articles if tech is not available

Set up one laptop per station 

1 & 5 & 8

 Genre Reformulation (create a product that organizes your learning, student choice)

Everyone reads independently.  Come back together to plan and create a group product.


2 & 4 & 6  

Poster Strategy (organizer)  

While reader reads the article, group members take notes on a "community poster/placemat". 

3 & 7

Three Big Questions (organizer)

Video that explains Nonfiction Big Questions


I like using the Infographic for this one 

Some suggested article choices: (found on PP)

Teens Spending Time Consuming Media

How Teens View Their Digital Lives

What’s Trending in Teen Digital Media

How Teens View Their Digital Life (Infographic)

Living Life Online(PDF)

Brain Pop-Social Networking* Brain Pop-Email and IM * Brain Pop-Microblogging *



3.  Regroup and share

Bring students back to the carpet to share their products.  


Formative Assessment



Summative Assessment 


Complete a quiz using Engrade.


Only because I happened to tweet this lesson...